
The Brambila Method-The most rewarding 16p ever earnt!

  I can't believe it! Finally, I've sold something on Redbubble!  Okay it was one solitary sticker but it was a sale. This was all the encouragement my "Imposter Syndrome"  needed to start suggesting possible conspiracy theories.For example, that it was just a "Pity Sale" from Redbubble to keep me on the platform? Either way, it's not about the 16p, which literally wouldn't buy you anything in 2021.No, for me it's more the fact that I can see that even though it clearly takes a serious amount of work,it is possible. This week I also completed and uploaded my first course to Udemy. Again imposter syndrome was quick to remind me that £12.99 did seem like quite a big ask for a Stress Management Course for Dads created by a Dad who is yet to manage his own stress. if you'd like to check it out click on the link below Although I try to do my best to keep my vocal imposter syndrome as quiet as possible it did pose an interesting question. Who is t

The Brambila Method-What do you do when it goes quiet?

  Two weeks ago I got my 2nd Fiverr gig. I then got 3rd,4th and 5th in as many hours.     Being  the side hustle rookie I still am, I  naively  thought "Yes  we're off!"  Two weeks on and I'm still waiting for that elusive 6th Fiverr gig? I'm also trying to wait, patiently for any sales from any of my other ventures.  Here are the stats as of the week commencing 8th November. 1) Redbuddle POD designs uploaded 229-sales still 0 2) Amazon POD journals created 76-sales still 0 3) E courses created and uploaded 2= Sales 0 4) Enquiries from website=0 5) Brand deals=0   6) Honourary degrees from local Universities=0 7) Knighthoods=0 8) Offers to host my own late night chat show=0 As well as developing a blog to chart my hopeful progression from Rookie,to a bit less rookie I want to try and pass on any wisdom if and where I see it. The Brambila Method Bram Fam Facebook group are as a supportive collection of people that I've met.That said,like anything there is alway

The Brambila Method-Can you actually work with a toddler in the house?

If I had a penny for all the times I've started a new blog,fitness regime,hobby,or had the decision never to drink again ,I reckon I'd have at least a pound.  If you're going to succeed in anything,it's common knowledge that you need to have a clear picture of where it is you want to be.  What is equally important is having a clear picture about where you don't want to be. What do you think is a bigger driving factor in success?  The motivation pushing you towards your dreams or  the fear of looking back at your life with regret? WANT TO PLAN YOUR ESCAPE?  BUY A JOURNAL!  (CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW) I reckon if I had written an account of all the dumb stuff I've ever done while drunk, I would have given up drinking a long time ago.Well I say given up, at least given up drinking spirits,on school nights,unless of course it's Christmas,or my birthday,or someone else's birthday.        As well as supporting anyone who's attempting to build a business dur

The Brambila Method-So much more than breaking even!

  $20 + $96 = $116 in Fiverr sales Minus the $97 Brambila Course investment   = $19 in profit💪😃 as of 26/10/2021 I post this image not to brag about what,I imagine, is a fairly humble Fiverr earnings for 3 months work,but more to inspire myself that this actually seems like it could be becoming a bit possible,maybe? Apparently on average,it takes a new business 3 years to break even on their initial set up costs.That is, if they have managed to overcome the significant hurdle of trading for 3 years,something I imagine is much harder now than it's event been. I have no idea how true this statistic is, but it seems depressingly bleak enough to be true. With that in mind, yes it was only a $97 dollar investment and yes it's ultimately a Dad playing the ukulele in a bedroom but I'll take 3 months as a successful break event point. Probably the most significant success is drifting off to sleep and along with all the standard dad life worries (that damp patch on the bathroom c

Brambila Method-At Least get off the sidelines and try!

     Is it possible? I mean really possible? Every time I go online I'm inundated with dubious offers from smug,white teethed types telling me how their course is going to be the answer to all my prayers. BUT Has anyone actually met or does anyone know someone who's completed an online course and is now living off the passive income from skills they acquired directly from it? For example,someone who at this very moment could be content in the knowledge that during their last leisurely visit to the toilet, they probably sold another 500 journals. The romantic in me says that anything is possible and I need to stop being cynical. The cynic in me says I need to grow up and get bin bags on the way home. So I suppose a reasonable question could be,who should I be listening to? I think I need to listen to both because I will probably need both at different times to succeed. I will need, control,caution,routine and discipline to achieve.I will also need spontaneity,courage and versati

Is Dad's Christmas Mission Possible?

Is the "Dadmission" just about making income for yourself?  Well, without wanting to be accused of doing some serious "virtue signalling" the answer to that question is immediately yes then also a bit no. Something that has always resonated strongly with me is the advice you get when you're on a plane in regards to oxygen masks. " In the event of an emergency, oxygen masks, will drop from the ceiling.Please make sure to put your oxygen mask on first before helping anyone else with theirs." I've always liked this,it's always made sense to me. If you're not in a strong enough position physically,emotionally and financially to support yourself then you can't support anyone  else. So yes the main reason I want to try and create passive incomes would be to give me all the time to do whatever I choose. This "whatever I choose" is of course lot of things.It's more time with my kids.It's,who knows, being the 1st ukulele pla

The Brambila Method-Just pick a lane? Who's Elaine?

    The plan to financial freedom sounds simple! Start some income streams,keep working on them until one shows itself to be a winner.If one does then triple down on it and keep digging that 2 inch wide hole until it becomes several miles deep etc.  The only problem with that is, what do you do when it's been months of work and there are still no leads,no orders, no sales,no holes,certainly none 2 inch wide and miles deep! The only thing to do,I imagine, is keep sowing those seeds,try not to lose faith and keep on digging until you have that winner. It's been 3 months since I finished the Brambila Course so it's probably 12 to 24 months too soon to be expecting to be able to hand my notice in.Perhaps the fact that my Fiverr account has actually made something would make it the obvious hustle to focus on? Focussing on what is actually making money (even if it's buttons to start with)  stops me being tempted to flit from fad to fad. The ego driven desire to go viral and d